
Spiritual High

This speciality of al Covo will help ground and stretch the mind and body to reach mindful bliss and contentedness. Using a combination of techniques, Steve will raise your energy into higher chakras helping you to transform with an open divine connection to the spirit.

The body can be physically energised by Reiki - a natural worldly life force - whilst on a grounding mat. You could then receive a massage with palmal and finger compressions all over the body from feet to scalp whilst the body is stretched by Steve to mobilise joints and remove any blockages within energy lines. The recommended treatment may maximise your mindfulness through meditation and chanting practice  An enlightening journey to lead you to an open mind, body and spirit.  

A personal holistic consultation with Steve will enable him to put together a personalised treatment package for you.


Your Options

Item Time Price
Initial Consultation 30 mins £25
Spiritual High 1 hour to 4 hours From£90
Enquire Now

Session time includes consultation, treatment, aftercare and any use of shower/washroom. Please note an extra (free) 20 minutes may be required for your first treatment's consultation. Membership and Treatment Course Prepurchases can save you money. We reserve the right to charge the full appointment fee for missed appointments and cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

This treatment really calmed me down and freed my head and body from heaviness and stress. The combination flowed enabling me to wash away thoughts from my mind, cleansing and allowing me to absorb the energy of my freedom of mind and body and also its healing power.

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